You Know You're Old When
So the merry making preparations have taken over lately. I feel as though things are so incredibly busy right now... Who knows why, I have one child and I'm a stay at home mom. Christmas is literally less than two weeks away, so I'm trying to get things ready for the day as well trying to make it exciting and build up the anticipation for M.
He's quite the little helper in the kitchen, when I bake and intend to freeze cookies and cakes for the holidays. Which have all been eaten, but never mind...
So most of the things that need doing get done in a somewhat timely fashion around here... except for the dusting, that just never gets done. Apparently cleaning ladies aren't willing to work for free!
Anyway, all these musing have nothing to do with the topic of this particular entry - or maybe they do, who knows? Basically, I'm sitting here typing away, while thinking about going out to our friends' place for supper in about half an hour. It's going to be fun, our sons get along really well and play together nicely. Plus, they're good friends of ours.
Used to be that before a social outing, Hubs and I would likely have either a beer or a nice glass of Jameson whiskey on ice.
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How was this only four years ago? Feels like fifty... I looked so damn FRESH!!! |
I'm pretty sure all parents who are nearing forty years of age and who have toddlers can feel my pain. Can't you?!?!? Ugh.
So, yeah, the following list is called "You Know You're Old When"... and obviously, when I say YOU, I'm referring to myself. Yep, each and every time.
- While it's so nice to have a night out (be it a date night with your partner or a well deserved Girl's Night), you'd really much rather have an afternoon out so you can be in your jammies once the kids are in bed at 7:30PM
- You pull out your back three times in the past couple of months: once pulling the kids to the park in the wagon; once putting on jeans; and most recently putting a fitted bed sheet on the bed after yet another accident
- It's not an exaggeration to say that going to Costco is the highlight of the day
- You tell anyone who'll listen what a great deal you got on parchment paper at Costco the other day
- Wednesdays are usually a really good day, since that's the day the weekly flyers are delivered - also known as Publi-Sac day in Quebec
- You find yourself tuning into Wheel of Fortune quite regularly, and you find Pat Sajak rather charming
- You think that spending more than $10 on a shirt and $20 on a pair of pants is really rather outrageous
- You've been planning your Christmas morning breakfast for months, and the only ones in attendance are you, your husband and your children
- You used to find Jillian Michaels' workout videos inspiring and motivating... yet you now find them rude and much too loud (something about her tone)
- Not knowing what to watch on Netflix translates to bedtime as soon as the kids crash
- Several nights of not knowing (or not agreeing) what to watch on Netflix can ruin a whole week
- As much as you enjoy going to the movies, you find them very expensive and much too loud... and of course, the movies always finish much too late
- Going for lunch translates literally to McDonald's Drive-Thru
- You've been "preparing for the holidays" for weeks, but you've actually done nothing except order one book online from Amazon
- Your holiday preparations have involved many hours pinning ideas on Pinterest, none of which you have done (or will likely ever do)
Right?!? - Your definition of happiness is a cup of tea and two (or five) cookies to go with it
- There are mornings where no amount of concealer and blush can make you look like a human
- Sometimes the bags under your eyes are so prominent and deep that you could use them as matching coin purses
- You don't know who the latest stream of pop stars are, and you find their music loud, redundant and offensive
- Shopping for clothes is often rather painful due not only to the exorbitant prices (see above) but the process itself combined with the loud and rude aforementioned music (and your saggy old body trying on clothes, obviously)
Happy Holidays:)