Could this be what my child is thinking?
I know my 3 year old is not really out to get me. Sometimes however, this is what I believe he's thinking. Lol
I want my breakfast now!
You've make me my breakfast but yours looks better, so it's mine.
What do you mean I can't have it?
It's mine!
I want my flinestones vitamin.
I want another flinestones vitamin.
What do you mean I can only have one?I want more!
Those are MY vitamins!
My toy fell off the table!
I need to scream about this!
Oh the horror!
Screaming doesn't seem like quite enough. Perhaps throwing the toy at my mother will make everything better... Hmmm perhaps not. She looks pretty mad. I should scream some more. Perhaps louder with more whine and conviction in my tone.
What do you mean I need to brush my teeth? Why?
But, I don't want to.
These are MY teeth. I can do what I want with MY Teeth.
Why are you upset that I just spit in your face? But, you told me to brush my teeth. Isn't spitting a part of this?
Ugh, I don't want to get dressed!
I'd rather run the other way until your face turns red, mommy.
I think I'll steel the dog's toy now.
Oh look at that, the dog is chasing me! Yay!
Oh mom said the dog needs to go out.
I think it's best MY dog stays with me. Well, mom seems upset that MY dog is still chasing me. Oh man, look! THE dog just did her business on the floor!
Mommy!!!! She peed!!
Clean up the pee on the floor, mommy!
Uh oh! Mommy seems upset.
Perhaps I should scream.