Then and now...
I remember like it was yesterday. My twenty something self, apartment in the city, living it up. Not a care in the world. Every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights I would dress to kill, make-up done, hair styled, throw on a pair of heels and off I went with a spring in my step. Out on the town for some shopping then to a club or receiving loads of friends for a house party till the wee hours of the morning. All night-ers with Music pumping, DJ mixing, drinks a flowing, dancing crazy, screams of laughter echoing, ears are ringing.
Oh to be young! Those were the days, weren't they? Work hard play hard.
I could stay up until sunrise and still manage to wake up Friday morning for 6 am, grab a quick coffee and work a full day. Then, do it all over again, happily.
These days are different to say the least.
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these days I like to party, and by party I mean nap... |
I am now pushing 40 and I can barely remember
what I did yesterday.
what I did yesterday.
Funny how we remember our younger years but as we age a matter of a few hours is a mystery.
I have more cares than I care to have. More bills than I care to have. More responsibility than I care to have.
Thursday through to Saturday nights are no longer spent out on the town. A night out now consists of a nice dinner with hubby at a friends home with kids.
Mommy nights with mommy friends spent drinking lots of wine and talking shit.
Venting. Lots and lots of venting. (thank goodness for these nights!)
I rarely wear make-up anymore. If I do it's mostly to camouflage the dark circles under my eyes and my pasty white skin so I don't scare anyone.
My hairstyle these days is an updo called Le Pony Tail, or my personal favourite Brushed.
The high heels in my closet are now covered in a layer of dust since it would be quite difficult to maneuver myself quickly enough to stop the mixing bowl on the counter filled with pancake batter from falling if I were balancing myself a few inches taller.
House parties are now 10am Play Dates.
Dressed to kill is now just getting dressed out of my pyjamas. This rarely happens.
Music and Dancing has become any song or move that gets a laugh
and a jump from my little guy.
and a jump from my little guy.
Laughter is still screaming! My ears still ring and most likely always will from now on.
Staying up till sunrise is not by choice.
Generally, I am more than likely to be awoken at sunrise.
Generally, I am more than likely to be awoken at sunrise.
It now takes about two to three strong coffees in the morning before I remotely start to feel like a human with a brain. And about a week to recover from one late night.
Let's see.
Work hard - check
Play hard - (toys flying into my head kind of hard) - check
Full day - check, check and check some more!
Wine, CHECK!