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How Mama got her boobs back!

By September 02, 2015

 My son D has always been super attached to me. 
So once I stopped breastfeeding after 15 months, I knew I had my work cut out for me when putting him to bed. I was told by my mother I was the same way as a kid. As a baby and toddlet, I needed help falling asleep. Thankfully, I outgrew it ;)

I let D hold my boob to fall asleep after weaning him from Breastfeeding. Why? Because I felt bad - he no longer had what made him feel safe and cozy. 

What the hell was I thinking? Really? I think the lack of sleep played with my brain. Seemed like a great solution at the time.

The holding my boob obsession went on for many many many months.
It had gotten to the point where I was just fed up and wanted it to stop!
Every nap time, bedtime and moments of shyness etc.. my boobs were not my own.
I had turned into The Mommy Lovey. 

I wanted my boobs back! 

I would cringe every time D would reach for my boob, and eventually start pinching and pulling at my nipple like he was getting his favourite balloon ready...You know what I mean!

Finally after many frustrating nap times, bedtimes and every other moment, I gathered my courage to put an end to the boobie grabbing. Of course I tried my best to say NO in a nice way despite my inner cringing. 

I won't lie. When I set out with this plan I gave in quite a few times for the sake of saving my sanity, getting some sleep, and to avoid the screaming and crying, and of course the hitting and kicking due to just being pissed off at mommy because I took his hand off his precious boobie lovey.

Then something happened!
 It went a little something like this;
- D grabs my nipple! grrrr
- No pinching, my love -  Mommy doesn't like to be pinched there - Pinching hurts Mommy.
- You don't want to hurt mommy, right? -
My little white lie. Well, kind of...
I'm glad I said that even though there was nothing painful about it. Well, physically anyway :)
Mentally, YUP definitely.

His concerned expression along with tears let me know there was hope.
It was the first time D actually acknowledged that I simply didn't want this done to me.

MANY tries later!
MANY frustrating conversations on no pinching, D, is FINALLY falling asleep without holding my boob for dear life. And no screaming!
We hold hands now for comfort, which is perfectly fine with me.

Mama's got her boobs back!

Does your kiddo have a comfort or sleep association?

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